CLAS224 Word Elements. Monmouth College Monmouth, Illinois

Instructor: Thomas J. Sienkewicz (


-ic (-ac), -tic pertaining to, like

-ics, -tics art, science, or study of

-oid like, having the shape of

-al pertaining to like, belonging to, having the character of

-an (-ian) pertaining to, like, one concerned with

-ous (-ious) full of, pertaining to like

-ician specialist in, practitioner of

-ism belief in, practice of, condition of

-ist one who believes in, one engaged in

-ite one connected with, ingabitant of

-ast, -st one who does

-t, -te he who, that which

-y, -ia quality of, state of, act of

-ma, -m, -me result of

-sis, -se, -sy ,-sin act of, a state of, the result of,

-logy science of, systematic study of

-nomy science of, system of laws governing

-cracy rule by, type of government

-crat one who advocates or practices rule by

-archy rule by

-arch one who rules

-arch(i) chief, leading

-mania madness about, passion for

-phobia abnormal fear of

-phobe one who fears or hates

-meter measure, instrument for measuring, number of feet in poetry

-metry art of science of measuring

-graph writing, instrument for writing

-graphy writing, art or science or writing

-gram thing written

-scope instrument for viewing, to view

-ize to make, to do something with, to subject to

-itis inflammation of, inflammatory disease of

-oma tumor arising in or composed of swelling, diseased condition, result of

-osis diseased condition of, act of, process of

-ectomy surgical removal of

-tomy surgical operation on, surgical cutting of

-rrhea (-rrhoea) abnormal discharge

-path one suffers from a disease of, one who treats a disease

-pathy disease of, treatment of, by

-iasis diseased condition

-therapy treatment of, by

-emia condition of the blood

-hedron solid figure with a number feet

-in, -ine chemical substance

-ium part, lining or enveloping tissue, regions

-ium, -ion little

-idium little

-arium, -arion little

-isk, -iscus little

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