CLAS224 Word Elements. Monmouth College Monmouth, Illinois

Instructor: Thomas J. Sienkewicz (

LATIN MOTTOES: Governmental (National, State, Local)

animis opibusque parati (South Carolina): prepared in minds and resources

annuit coeptis (seal of USA): God has approved of our undertakings

audemus iura nostra defendere (Alabama): we dare to defend our rights

cedant arma togae (Wyoming): let war yield to civilian concerns

crescite et multiplicamini (Maryland): increase and let us multiply

crescit eundo (New Mexico): a thing grows by moving forward

dirigo (Maine): I lead

ditat Deus (Arizona): God enriches

Domine, dirige nos (City of London): Lord, guide us

Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietam (Massachusetts): by the sword she seeks tranquil peace with liberty

e pluribus unum (USA): one entity made up of many

esse quam videri (North Carolina): to be rather than to seem

esto perpetua (Idaho): may she live forever

excelsior (New York): ever upward

Johannes est nomen eius (Puerto Rico): John is his name

justitia omnibus (District of Columbia): justice to all

labor omnia vincit (Oklahoma): work overcomes all obstacles

montani semper liberi (West Virginia): Mountaineers are always free

nemo me impune lacessit (Scotland): No one attacks me with impunity

nil sine numine (Colorado): nothing happens without God's will

novus ordo seclorum (seal of the USA): a new order of the ages is established

qui transtulit sustinet (Connecticut): he who transplanted us still sustains us

regnat populus (Arkansas): the people rule

salus populi suprema lex esto (Missouri): let the welfare of the people be the supreme law

sic semper tyrannis (Virginia): thus be it ever to tyrants

si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice (Michigan): if you seek a lovely peninsula, look around you

virtute et armis (Mississippi): by valor and arms

eureka! (California): I have found it!

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