Case Assignments
last updated 2/7/2013
This assignment requires you to analyze the ethics case you and your partner selected and
Remember, the primary issue to look at is communication ethics. Focus your attention on what should be done by those you have identified as "responsible for ethical action. (What is or is not legal or practical or effective isn't the point. What's right or wrong is the issue.) In analyzing the case you were assigned, use the "McGaan Box" method.
ยท Second: Conflicts and Values. Describe ALL values (categories of good and bad, right and wrong) that seem relevant to the decision making situation. Identify conflicts between values and/or duties, goals, needs.
WRITTEN ANALYSIS: On the class day you present your debate you will email me an electronic copy of your written report and hand in a hard copy. This report must be no longer than 6 pages, double-spaced. The written report should use the same four steps as the "McGaan Box" shown above: 1) definition, 2) conflicts and values, 3) traditions and principles, 4) decision. (Be sure to put your name, the course, presentation date, and case title and number at the top of the page. Be sure your paper has four distinct sections, each numbered and labeled. Your written paper should reflect your best analysis of the ethical problem in the case. The paper should (normally) be your genuine view on what should be done and why. The written analysis does not necessarily have to advance the same position you take in the debate (although it may). ORAL PRESENTATION: You and your partner will also present an oral debate on the case you selected before the class. You and your partner will need to determine two positions that represent distinctly different and competing views of what should be done in the case and each of you will defend one of those positions in the debate. Not only may you take a different position in the debate than in the paper, your views expressed in the debate do not have to be your actual position on the case. You can be a "devil's advocate." Your team's total time limit is 12 minutes.
Ethics Case Oral Presentation Evaluation Form In EVALUATING your written analysis, I will want to see if it is clear and concise. Do you deal with the appropriate issues from your case and raise logically relevant values and principles? I will be especially concerned with how well you link your decision to one of the traditions or codes we discussed in class. The quality of your writing as well as how effectively you demonstrate your understanding of ethics and the analysis process is the primary focus of the grade for the written part of the assignment. (This grade is about content, analysis and writing!) Of course, mechanics will be considered in your grade.
In EVALUATING your oral
I will take into account the fact that you are a communication
professional. Your debate presentation should be clear, forceful,
convincing, and articulate. The presentation should make an
argument, building from facts to options, to values and principles
that justify your decision. In the
refutation you should demonstrate the clear differences between your
position and that of your opponent ("clash"). Do not be afraid to
strongly state why your views are better. How you handle questions
from the class is part of your grade
as well. Date Due: As Scheduled |