COMM 491 - SYLLABUS – Spring 2013

Description Syllabus Notes Questions Assignments Cases Resources Groups

last updated 3/18/2013

DATE Topic/ Preparation Readings Group
Wed. 1/16 Introduction to the Course / Free Speech Survey "FIRE" #1  
Mon.  1/21 The Idea of Free Expression:  Themes
    and Principles;   Origins of the Tradition
   PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 1    N.C.A. Democratic Society Credo   |    Introduction to Free Expression Law --
Wed. 1/23 Ethical Perspectives on Communication
    PREP:  Discussion Questions
  Ethical Traditions  - 
Analyzing Ethics Cases


Mon. 1/28 Ethical Perspectives, continued.
   PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Karl Wallace (handout) & 
 N.C.A. Ethics Credo &  PRSA Code
Wed. 1/30 The Philosophy of Free Expression
   PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ: Distilled Mill (outline);  Milton summaryMill - On Liberty Ch. 2 Tedford, Ch. 2 B
  Philosophy and Themes in Free Expression and Law  
Mon.  2/4 Introduction to Free Expression and Law
Control of Political Expression
    PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Tedford, pp. 452-456
    The American Legal System;
    Introduction to Free Expression Law part 2

READ:  Tedford, Ch 3
Wed. 2/6 Control of Political Expression, continued    "FIRE" #2 Sedition D
Mon. 2/11 Defamation and Privacy |  PREP:  Discussion Questions 
 Ethics Case Oral Reports Begin:  | Cases # 11 
READ: Tedford, Ch. 4
Defamation Concepts
Wed. 2/13 Defamation and Privacy, continued.  |  Case # 8   |    "FIRE"  #3 Privacy Concepts   |   The War on Cameras B
Mon.  2/18 From Blasphemy to Obscenity
PREP:  Discussion Questions  |  Cases  # 4 & # 5
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 5
    From Blasphemy to Obscenity
Wed. 2/20 From Blasphemy to Obscenity, continued
PREP:  Discussion Questions  |  Cases  # 6 & # 7
  Illinois Obscenity Law (excerpts) D
Mon. 2/25 Provocation to Anger
PREP:  Discussion Questions  |  Cases # 15 & # 14
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 6
    Fighting - Wounding
Wed. 2/27 Words that Wound   B
Mon. 3/4 Prior Restraint       FIRE"  #6`
PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 8
    Prior Restraint
Wed. 3/6 Prior Restraint, continued   D
                                                             3/9 - 3/17    --   Spring Break


DATE Topic/ Preparation Readings Group
Mon.  3/18 Review for Exam 1 READ:  Tedford, pp. 455-459  2-level SCOTUS testing  
Wed. 3/20    Exam 1    
  Special Topics in Free Expression  
Mon. 3/25 Time, Place and Manner 
PREP:  Discussion Questions     "FIRE" #7
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 10
Time, Place, Manner 
Wed. 3/27 Commercial Speech
PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 7
    Commercial Speech

 3/29 - 4/1     --     Easter Break

Wed. 4/3 Problems of the Free Press  
PREP:  Discussion Questions
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 9
     Problems of a Free Press
Mon. 4/8 Free Press, continued    D
Wed. 4/10 Institutional Constraints
      PREP:  Discussion Questions      "FIRE"  #5
READ:  Tedford, Ch. 11
     Institutional Constraints
Mon. 4/15 Institutional Constraints, continued     B
Wed. 4/17 Copyright    PREP:  Discussion Questions -- Group Mashup:  Group D - Individual Responsibility READ:  Tedford, Ch. 12
Mon.  4/22 Copyright, continued -- Group Mashup: Group A - Schools   D
Wed. 4/24 Free Expression, Technology and the Internet -- Group Mashup:  Group C - Intellectual Propoerty "FIRE" #8 READ:  Tedford, Ch. 13 & 14
    Broadcasting and Cable  |  The Internet
Mon.  4/29 Theories of Free Expression -- Group Mashup: Group B - Internet Control READ:  Tedford, Ch. 15  
Wed. 5/1 Review and Farewell    "FIRE"  #4    

Final Exam:  8am, Friday, May 3