Freedom of Expression and Communication Ethics

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

last updated 10/15/2012
Freedom of Expression Resources

Freedom of Speech in the United States - The Tedford textbook web site.  Resources include court decisions, case updates, historic documents on free speech, legal research reference sites, links to government web sites and to organizations concerned with free speech issues. Some specific resources pages are linked below.

  • Historic Documents (including Milton's "Areopagitica," Mill's "On Liberty," the "Federalist Papers," The Alien and Sedition Act of 1798, Eugene Debs "Canton, Ohio Speech,"  etc.

  • Government Sites  (including all three federal branches plus agencies such as the FCC, FTC, Copyright office, Library of Congress, etc.)

  • Free Speech Sites  (including sites by the ACLU, EFF, Copley First Amendment Center, Internet Freedom Resources, First Amendment Cyber-Tribune, NEA, Freedom Forum, etc.)

  • Legal Research Sites  (including sites at many academic centers including Northwestern, the Medill School, Cornell University as well as FindLaw, 'Lectric Law Library, etc.)

First Amendment Center  A good source of information, news and issues related to the first amendment.  You should check out this site's resources  (esp. their Library) for each and every assignment in COMM 491!

Lawyer Resource Center: The First Amendment - A Legal Match site with overview essays on a number of 1st Amendment issues. (recommended to me by students at the Jefferson District Library in Vermont).

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press  A site dedicated to providing free legal help to reporters and news organizations.

Creative Commons  An organization developing systems for authors and other creative people to license their work to make "intellectual property" more available to the public.

Copyright Basics  The U.S. Copyright office's page providing an introduction to copyright law.

Making the World Safe for Incumbents  The Cato Institute's critique of the McCain-Feingold campaign reform act.

References on Campaign Finance Reform  from the National Center for Policy Analysis.

McCain-Feingold Goes to Court  A review of the issues that have gone before federal district court from the National Review

Rosen and Hart Debate the Role of Pornography and Obscenity Law in Modern, Secular Society in light of recent USSC decisions concerning child pornography.

Communication Ethics Resources

National Communication Association Policy Statements.  A set of statements reflecting the views of the National Communication Association on a number of issues, many with ethics or free expression implications.

NCA Credo for Ethical Communication

NCA Credo for Free and Responsible Communication in a Democratic Society

International Association of Business Communicators Code of Ethics

The Public Relations Society of America Code of Ethics

American Advertising Federation - "Advertising Ethics and Principles"

Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics   The SPJ Code of Ethics is voluntarily embraced by thousands of writers, editors and other news professionals.

Poynter Online.  Ethics.  A center with excellent resources for approaching ethical issues in journalism.

Campaign Ethics. 

Ethical  A site concerned with advising "ethical leadership."

The Ethics Resource Center - A site for business and other organizational leaders seeking ethics related resources.

The International Communications Forum  An organization dedicated to upholding high standards of ethics in the media.

Communicating Your Ethics Philosophy  It's not easy to keep customers, business partners and employees aware that ethics is important to your business philosophy. Here how three companies do it. An article.

E-Center for Business Ethics  The Colorado State Business School Ethics sites.  Links to other sites and cases.

Institute for Global Ethics - A good location for resources on ethics

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics - A site dedicated to resources for applying ethics to the real world supported by Santa Clara University.