Freedom of Expression and Communication Ethics

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Description Syllabus Notes Questions Assignments Cases Resources Groups

Controversial Topics"Mash-up" Panel Presentation Assignment

last updated 3/20/2013

This assignment requires your discussion group to lead a free-for-all discussion on your assigned topic for about 30 minutes. 

A Your group should begin by meeting and picking one of the four general topic areas shown in B. below (first come - first served).  Once you have been assigned a general topic, the group should discuss how you intend to approach the mashup and what "sub-topic" each group member will focus on fdor the mashup and the paper.  The fun of this assignment comes from individuals taking strong (maybe even fairly extreme) positions on an issue.  Feel free to play devil's advocate and embrace controversy.

B.  By no later than one week before your "mashup," each group member should email to the entire group and the instructor a one or two paragraph description rough description of the position he/she will take concerningyour sub topic.

C.  At the time of the "mash-up" each member of the group should submit a 3 page essay presenting his/her position on the specifc sub-topic he/she has selected to talk about.  This paper should include at least three outside sources (in addition to the Tedford text) with appropriate citations in MLA or APA format.

A. Format of the "Mash-up."

  1. The Mash-up will begin with each group member taking and presenting his/her position on some element of the topic.  This position statement should last no longer than 3 minutes and should be developed independently of others in the group.  The statement will reflect what the person believes should be "the way things ought to work" regardless of what current law or practice is and why the group member holds this position.
  2. Second, each group member will have the opportunity to critique, refute or support the positions of any other members.
  3. Third, the group as a whole should attempt to find areas of common agreement or key points of disagreement across the group.
  4. Lastly, the group will open the floor to general discussion by the class - at least 10 minutes worth.

B. Group General Topic Assignments and Dates.

  • 4/17   - Group  -- What is the right balance (legal or ethical) between the individual's responsibility for his/her own behavior and the speaker's responsibility for influencing or "causing" unacceptable conduct?  In general public discussions of political/policy issues, In the Media, By important government officials doing official business, In campaigns, In news reporting, etc.
  • 4/22   - Group A  -- What are the correct standards for expression in the schools (K-12 and Higher Ed.) and what freedoms on expression should be protected?  Protection of minorities/diversity, Civility in education, Maintaining conformity to the academic mission, Private vs public, speakers and viewpoints on campus, Student press rights, Dress codes, etc.
  • 4/24   - Group  C -- What should be the limits (or freedoms), legal and ethical, on the Use of Intellectual Property in the New Media Age?  File sharing in private or for profit, Mixes/collages, Fair use/free use, Government supported research. education and information, Cultural property and the commons (our common heritage), etc.
  • 4/29   - Group -- What controls (laws or technical restrictions) or ethics should exist to regulate the Internet and other new media in terms of such issues as -- Privacy, Reputation, Net neutrality, Spam/viruses and hackers, Protecting children, Cyber-stalking, Government collection of data/spying on citizens, etc.?

In EVALUATING your group mashup I will consider

  1. how thoughtful the sum of the individual opening statements are,

  2. how original and provocative the opening statements are,

  3. how well the members are able to respond to each other, and

  4. how stimulating the conversation becomes for the whole class. 

For each individual I will record a final mashup grade based on an overall group grade, modified by the quality and contribution of the individual in his/her opening statements, interaction with the group and participation in the class discussion.

Papers will be graded on the quality of ideas discussed and the reasoning for your specific position, clarity of thesis. quality of sources used, and overall writing quality.