Freedom of Expression and Communication Ethics

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Description Syllabus Notes Questions Assignments Cases Resources Groups

"Free Speech Issues" Research Presentation Assignment

last updated 3/21/2011

This assignment requires you to make a 7-10 minute, informative or persuasive presentation on a research topic selected/assigned to you on some important issue related to free expression in the United States (or beyond) using effective oral communication techniques and skills.

  •    Your presentation will advance a position (a strong thesis) you are taking on the topic you have chosen.

  •    You should present substantive material that will advance the knowledge of the class on the topics/issues you address.  This requires original work on your part and more than a mere rehash of ideas in Tedford or another author.

  •    You will be expected to use and cite at least 5 sources (other than Tedford) from appropriately expert authors and reliable publications.  (A meeting with a reference librarian would be a good idea and, if documented, would get you a small grade bonus.)

  •    The AMTOBUL model would be appropriate (e.g. good thesis and preview are needed, a well-organized body, etc.)

  •    You are expected to submit a detailed outline prior to your presenations (complete sentences at least for main and sub-points) with MLA source citations in the outline and a "Works Cited" section at the end of the outline.

  •     While presenting useful, substantive information in an understandable and interesting way is the most important aspect of the assignment, delivery counts (as you are about to become a graduate communication professional).

Issue Presentation Topic Suggestions by Date  (if you have other ideas, I am willing to hear them)


  • Campus Speech Codes and/or “Words that Wound” on Campus -- Joe

  • Should there be Prior Restraint for Child Pornography (CGI or “real”)  Brittany Landon


  • Should Citizens have First Amendment Rights at Shopping Centers/Malls?  Sam

  • Can the Government Limit Free Speech on Public Property at Funerals/Burials?  Ben


  • The Case for (or Against) Televising Trials Audie

  • What are the Strengths and Weakness of the Federal Freedom of Information Act?  Adam


  • Do Reporters Deserve Special Privileges Before the Law (e.g. Shield Laws)?  Michelle

  • What are (or Should be) the Scope of Free Speech Rights of Students in Public Colleges  Jim


  • How Long Should Copyright Last?  Sybille

  • Is There (or Should There Be) a First Amendment Right to Privacy?  Derek


  • What is Chafee’s Social Interest Theory of Free Speech?  Brittany Self

  • What is Emerson’s Expression-Action Theory of Free Speech?  Cassie


In EVALUATING your presentation I will consider:  quality, usefulness and significance of your thesis, thoroughness of your synthesis or analysis of the issue you chose,  quality of information included, quality of sources cited, effectiveness of support in proving and illustrating your points, clarity of organization/main points, degree of preparation apparent, effectiveness of delivery, outline quality and completeness.

Research Presentation Evaluation form