The MC Chemistry Major, Minor and Teacher Certification

Chemistry Major

A major in chemistry consists of Chemistry 130, 140, 220, 225, 230, 312, 322, 325, 330, 335, 340, 350 (taken four times for a total of four credits), and 420 or 430. In addition, two semesters each of calculus and physics are required. German is the preferred foreign language for chemistry majors. The culminating experience for chemistry majors consists of an independent study project (Chemistry 420 or 430) and four semesters of seminar (Chemistry 350).  For an advising check list-click here.

We highly encourage students to complete their calculus and physics requirements as early as possible so that CHEM 312, Physical Chemistry I, and/or CHEM 322, Physical Chemistry II can be taken during the Junior Year.  (Note that CHEM 312 is not a prerequisite for CHEM 322.)  This allows students the widest freedom in choosing upper division electives which suit their interests and provides the greatest opportunities for chemical research.

A model plan of study for an MC Chemistry Major is outlined in the following table.  Spaced throughout the curriculum are general education courses.  These are not specifically listed in the table since a wide variety of courses are offered which fulfill the General Education requirements.

  Fall Spring
Freshman Year

Chem 130, Organic I

Math 151, Calc I



Chem 140, General I

Math 152, Calc II

(if needed Math 141, Precalc)


Sophomore Year

Chem 220, Intro to Analytical

Chem 225 Intro to Analytical Lab

Phys 132, Physics I

(Math 151 if not earlier)


Chem 230 Organic II

Phys 132, Physics II

(Math 152 if not Earlier)



Junior Year

Chem 312 Physical Chem I with lab

Chem 330/335 Biochem

Chem 350 Science Seminar


Chem 322 Physical Chemistry II with lab

Chem 325 Integrated Laboratory

Chem 340 Adv. Analytical

Chem 350 Science Seminar


Senior Year

Chem 430 Research*

Chem 350 Science Seminar



Chem 350 Science Seminar


  *Research may be taken more than once and this is encouraged.

**Current Electives include CHEM 362, Adv. Physical Chemistry, CHEM 370, Adv. Inorganic Chemistry, and CHEM 380 Adv. Organic Chemistry.

Chemistry Minor

A minor in chemistry consists of seven courses: Chemistry 130, 140, 220, 225, 230, and either a combination of 310 and 315 or a combination of 330 and 335.  While you should consult with your major department advisor to devise a schedule which will allow you to accomplish your major and the chemistry minor, a few suggestions may be helpful:

1) Check the prerequisites for each course

2) Start the introductory chemistry courses, 130 and 140 as soon as possible, but preferably in your Freshman year.

3) Check the General Education requirements for the Sciences and see how/if course in the chemistry minor will satisfy these.


Teacher Certification

A chemistry major can prepare to teach chemistry at the secondary level by completing the requirements  and other requirements cited in the Education Department section, including Education 342. The candidate should also complete eight semester hours of biology to qualify to teach general science.