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Chemistry and Biochemistry at Monmouth

The MC Chemistry Department invites you to browse our web site and contact the FacultyMC's Chemistry Department has a long tradition of preparing students for successful and rewarding careers in chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, engineering and a variety of other career paths.

The Monmouth College Chemistry Department strives to….

 1. sharpen students’ quantitative skills.
 2. encourage critical thinking.
 3. demonstrate the cumulative aspect of chemistry principles.
 4. afford students the opportunity to get involved in a research project as early as their sophomore year.
 5. utilize “inquiry based learning” in lecture.
 6. strengthen students’ scientific writing and presentation skills.
 7. illustrate the interrelatedness among chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics.

The Department offers a hands-on curriculum, rich in research opportunities and one-on-one student/faculty interactions.  Alumnus William LeSuer has provide an instrumentation endowment which allows the Department to purchase, on average, a major piece of instrumentation each year.  A former Professor and name sake of the Monmouth College Science building, W. S.  "Haldy" Haldeman has endowed the Department with a library fund which provides internet access to current research journals, the latest book and periodical publications, and the latest in chemistry and scientific software.


Consider what your future might be like with a chemistry or biochemistry degree from Monmouth College.


Trips to Research Conferences!




Monmouth College Doc Kieft Summer Research Program 2019 Participants



Sam Argubright (MC ’20) –Biochemistry Major – Sturgeon Lab

Victoria Burgo (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Moore Lab

Alex Cutright (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Goach Lab

Logan Evans (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Prinsell Lab

Andrew Ferris (MC ’20) – Biochemistry Major – Sturgeon Lab

Will Fox (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Sturgeon Lab

Tyler Halsey (MC ’21) – Chemistry Major – Moore Lab

Trevor Jones (MC ’21) – Biochemistry and Biopsychology Major – Goach Lab

Kyle McLaughlin (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Goach Lab

Emily Rein (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Moore Lab

Joe Shie (MC ’21) – Biochemistry Major – Prinsell Lab

Josie Welker (MC '21) - Chemistry Major - Sturgeon Lab


Monmouth College Chemistry/Biochemistry Majors/Minors and their 2019 Summer Research Experiences


Katie Richter Northern Illinois University

Esther Hubbard

Saint Louis University

Sam Brosend

Saint Louis University

Seth Croslow
Boston College

Julia Sterr
Rural Health Professions Summer Preceptorship

Monmouth College Chemistry/Biochemistry Majors/Minors and their Post-Graduate Institutions



Baylor University - Chemistry
Colorado State University - Chemistry
Depaul University - Chemistry
Indiana University - Chemistry
Iowa State University - Chemistry
Kent State University - Chemistry
Northeastern University - Chemistry
Univeristy of Iowa - Biochemistry, Chemistry, Genetics, and Free Radical Radiation Biology
University of Missouri, St. Louis - Chemistry
University of Nebraska - Chemistry
Penn State University - Chemistry
Saint Louis University - Chemistry
Yale University - Chemistry
Worcester Polytechnical Institute - Chemistry
Purdue University - Chemistry, Molecular Pharmacology
University of Illinois Chicago - Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Nutritional Sciences
University of California at Davis - Chemistry
Ohio State University - Materials Science
Louisiana State Univeristy - Immunology and Microbiology
Des Moines University Medical School
Mercer University Pharmacy School
Midwestern PA School
Rush Medical School - Nursing
Southern Illinois University Medical School and PA School
University of Illinois Vet School
St. Ambrose University PA School
University of Pennsylvania Dental School
Abbott Labs - Chemistry - Pharmaceuticals
Grain Processing - Muscatine- Research Tech
Millipore Sigma - Chemist
IDT - Chemist
Rockford College - MAT (Master's Teaching Program)
Univeristy of Kansas - MBA







Monmouth College - 700 E. Broadway Monmouth, Il 61462 -Copyright © 2017-