Monmouth College. Kevin Roberts.
MC Department of English.

English 201: Grammar

English 201

Students in this class have created web pages detailing the various aspects of grammar listed below.  Sites have information, activities, quizzes, and tests, all focusing on a particular grade level.

Projects 2002
Group 1: Nouns Group 6: Prepositions Group 11: Verbals
Group 2: Verbs Group 7: Conjunctions Group 12: Reed/Kellogg Diagrams
Group 3: Pronouns Group 8: Interjections Group 13: Usage
Group 4: Adjectives Group 9: Articles Group 14: Problems in Grammar
Group 5: Adverbs Group 10: Phrases and Clauses Group 15: History of Grammar


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Kevin R. Roberts
Copyright ©  2002