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History Homepage
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Career Paths
History Club
Phi Alpha Theta
Monmouth College Archives
Stacy A. Cordery
Department Chair
Wallace Hall, Room 6

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462



Career Paths  
A History major opens many doors. Graduates in History know how to read carefully, analyze, think objectively, craft arguments, and write well. These skills are necessary to a broad array of career paths, which is why a History degree prepares students for many careers, including, among others:
  • Teaching
  • Government Service and Public Administration
  • Law
  • Journalism and Communications
  • Library Science
  • Museum Studies and Archiving
  • Public History
  • Teaching
  • Religious Studies
  • Business

While the majority of Monmouth College majors go into secondary education, many have taken advantage of our courses in Archiving in order to pursue careers related to museums, historical sites, archeology, document management, and public history.

One Monmouth College graduate is the chief curator of the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum while another is an archivist at the John Deere & Company Archives. Monmouth History graduates, however, have successfully pursued a variety of careers?in fact, we have graduates in all the fields listed above.

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