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Stacy A. Cordery
Department Chair
Wallace Hall, Room 6

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462




History Club

Every lover of History is encouraged to join!


Next meeting: Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 6:00 p.m. WH 204--Everyone is welcome!

Topics: films to watch this semester and field trips to take

The Monmouth College History Club is open to any Monmouth College student with an interest in history regardless of their major or minor.

The purposes of the History Club are:
  • To encourage students? interest in history.
  • To unite students of different disciplines through their interest in history.
  • To bring quality extracurricular events to the Monmouth College Student Body.
  • To create an environment that fosters free and open discourse between faculty and the student body.

Our recent activities have included:

  • Games & Gluttony at professors' homes
  • Bus trip to see "Monuments Men" in Galesburg
  • Lecture by Visiting Distinguished Professor Dr. Lewis L. Gould, on Edith Roosevelt
  • Holiday party and crazy awards
  • Lecture by MC Alum, Dr. Derek Anderson on Epidemics and Pandemics in History
  • Movie nights

2014-2015 Officers of the History Club:

President: Corey Pearson

Vice President: Jameyrae Valdivia

Treasurer: Nick Mainze

Secretary: Samantha Bergstrand


Past officers of the History Club

History Club Constitution

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