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Phi Alpha Theta
Monmouth College Archives
Stacy A. Cordery
Department Chair
Wallace Hall, Room 6

Monmouth College
700 E. Broadway
Monmouth, IL 61462




The international History honorary society.


Phi Alpha Theta officers, 2013-2014

President: Ashley Atwell
Vice President/Secretary: Evan Davis
Treasurer: Kyle Dickson
ASMC Representative: Karrah Kuykendall


Phi Alpha Theta initiation: next meeting is Sunday, 30 March 2014, at 3:00 p.m. in the Morgan Room, Poling Hall. Family and friends welcome. We have thirteen initiates! Current members are expected to attend.

Following the initiation and reception will be a service event at the Warren County Historical Museum.

Phi Alpha Theta is sponsoring Dr. Douglas Wilson of the Lincoln Studies Center at Knox College for a lecture entitled "Lincoln's Version of Shakespeare." Dr. Wilson is an internationally recogized author and Lincoln expert. His current research has caused him to become enthralled with the ways in which Lincoln read and understood Shakespeare--and how very frustrated Lincoln became when traveling actors performed plays that were nothing like the written edition he had studied. Bring a friend to this talk, which promises to be lively and entertaining. Meet a new side of Abraham Lincoln!

Monmouth College's Beta-Phi Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta was organized in 1948.
It was the successor of Professor Lynn Turner's highly successful Zeta Kappa Epsilon local history honorary society (Prof. Turner went on to become president of Phi Alpha Theta and to have the honorary society's most important award named for him. His presidential address was entitled Gullible's Travails in Academicia). Photo from 1959. A History Club was active in the second decade of the century; the Clio Club was active in the 1950s, and a History Club in the 1970s.

Requirements for membership
ndergraduate students must have completed at least three credits of college-level History courses with a GPA of 3.1 and must have a GPA of 3.0 in the remainder of their courses when they reach the three-credit threshold in History to be eligible for membership in Phi Alpha Theta. If you are interested, see Dr. Cordery or Dr. Urban.

Meetings are usually held throughout the semester, usually with refreshments and often with a short talk by faculty or students.



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