last updated 9/29/2006
The Communicative
From D. Modaff and S. DeWine.
(2002) Organizational Communication. Roxbury, ch. 6
Premise: Talk is action
Tool-talk - instrumental use of communication,
getting stuff done.
Frame-talk - creating interpretations, "framing"
meanings and perspectives
Mythopoetic talk - world-views, ideologies,
philosophical perspectives, the "vision-thing."
(sometimes a reflection of culture, sometimes B.S.
that causes systematic distortion)
In the (Effective) Communicative
Organization ...
Members Anticipate Misunderstandings [ non-shared meanings ]
as inevitable and they make use of
them. Causes of misunderstanding...
Useful forms of social interaction are encouraged
(norms and procedures, etc.).
Immediacy (MBWA) -- real attentiveness.
Timely feedback
Message/exchange assessment
Manage relational messages
Behavioral Flexibility occurs.
Relationships change as needed
Communicative patterns and norms are
The Dialectic is recognized
Strategic Communication Planning is normal.