COMM 333  -- Assignment Due Dates  

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources
Due Date
last updated: 8/16/2016
Due dates are subject to change.  Be sure to check the web site for current dates.

All assignments due on the date/time listed or at 4pm by email -- unless otherwise noted

Thur. 9/1

Lab Team Contract (TBG - signed version on Thur. in class), Trainee Profile (TBG) & Weekly Team Report Due: 9/1 by email. (Team liaisons are the only team members who should send team materials to Chet. Use Team report form.)

 Wed.  9/7

TRAINING CONTENT MATERIAL QUIZ (TBG).  Finish provided content readings by lab.  

Thur.  9/8

Weekly Team Report and Needs Analysis questions/plan (TBG) due

 Wed. 9/14   -- Bring needs analysis results to lab (& continue needs analysis with revised questions as needed)
 -- Schedule with McGaan a team meeting to occur by 2/11
 -- Draft Outline of Pitch sections I & II due prior to meeting (TBG)
 Thur. 9/15

Weekly Team Report due

 9/15 - 9/21   Schedule meeting with McGaan for the whole team.  Submit a complete draft version (TBG) of paper sections I & II before meeting with McGaan
 Thurs. 9/22

Weekly Team Report and Draft General Training Objectives due

 Thur.  9/29

1st Case Study Exam -- meet in COMM Lab - WH320 (or bring your laptop to use on the wireless network in WH316)

 Thur. 9/29

Revised training objectives (TBG) and Weekly Team Report due

Wed.  10/5

Product Sales Pitches & paper (TBG)  -  (No weekly team report due this week)

 Thur. 10/6

Mid-term Peer Evaluations due in class  (not included in grades)
Product Pitch Slide Show due by email  (not graded)

 Tues. 10/11

Schedule Post-Presentation Meeting with McGaan for the whole team 10/7 - 10/11.
Weekly Team Report and Post-meeting Response Plan due, Noon, 10/11

    10/12 - 10/15                          FALL BREAK

 Thurs. 10/20

Weekly Team Report and Sample training module (TBG) due

 Thurs. 10/27

Weekly Team Report due  -- Arrange a meeting with McGaan this week or early the next.

  Thurs. 11/3   Weekly Team Report due.
  Thur. 11/10   Weekly Team Report due.
Tues.  11/15

2nd Case Study Exam -- meet in COMM Lab - WH320 (or bring your laptop to use on the wireless network in WH316)

Thurs. 11/17   Final Weekly Team Report and Draft Evaluation section (and forms) (TBG) due (by email),  4pm

Wed. 11/30

 Training Program Demonstrations + outline and handouts (TBG) - 2 presented during Lab hour; 2 presented at an evening session TBD.     Teams:  TBD

Thurs. 12/1   Training Demonstration slide show file due. 

Mon. 12/5

Team Final Written Training Materials due  (TBG)  (Hardcopy due in class; email electronic file version.)

   Tues. 12/6

Final Team Member Peer Evaluations (TBG) due Tues. (in class)  |  Peer evaluation form - pdfWord version

Wed.  12/7    Training Programs Reviewed. |  (Individual) Training Program Reflections due in lab.
 Mon. 12/12

Course Final Exam,  3pm -- meet in COMM Lab - WH320 (or bring your laptop to use on the wireless network in WH316)

TBG = "To Be Graded"