Organizational Communication

Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources

Evaluation is for the purpose of

  • improving the quality of training and

  • providing feedback on success to trainees.


 Evaluation comes in two types:


1.      Immediate  (Internal)  (sometimes called "formative" if used to adjust the program while it is in progress)


a.      Which occurs


                                                                          i.      At the end of a unit or session

                                                                        ii.      At the end of the entire training program


b.      Immediate Evaluation tends to focus on assessing trainee

                                                                          i.      Knowledge retained

                                                                        ii.      Skills attained

                                                                      iii.      Trainees satisfaction with the session and its perceived usefulness to them


c.      A useful technique for immediate evaluation is the “1 Minute Assessment”

·        “Write one or two sentences answering each of the following questions.”

·        What was the most important thing you learned in this session?

·        What is the thing you don’t understand well enough?  OR   What is the thing you would most like to know more about?


d.   A useful technique for end-of-training-program evaluation involves asking trainees to rate their progress on the overall goals of your program.  For example:

Please Rate your own personal progress in meeting each of the goals listed below by circling the appropriate number on the rating chart provided.

1.  Learning to organize the main points of a presentation

Excellent Progress Good Progress Some Progress A Little Progress No Progress at All
5 4 3 2 1


2.      Long-term  (External) -- 1-2 months after the program (sometimes called "summative" if used to evaluate overall effectiveness of the program after it is complete)

 Long-term evaluation is for the purpose of determining the degree to which training has influenced performance on the job later.

Other types of Evaluation include:

  1. Trainer observation and scoring (using rubrics) of trainee skill and effectiveness.

  2. Tests and quizzes of knowledge and skill

  3. Trainee interviews during or following sessions or programs

  4. Peer evaluations

  5. Supervisor evaluation (usually structured surveys or interviews) back on-the-job.


Results of Evaluation should be used

  • to make adjustments to the training program. 

  • to provide feedback to trainees on what they are doing well and what they need to improve upon.

  • To reinforce skills and knowledge learned.

  • to create motivation to use training skills and knowledge on the job.


  • Good Evaluation includes more than just trainee opinion!!

last updated 11/14/2006