Organizational Communication

Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources


Learning Objectives tell what tasks the learners need to be able to perform in order to succeed at the work activity training addresses.  (See page 1 of Don Clark's ISD chapter 3, "Design Phase" for key terms -- entry behaviors, learning objectives, learning steps, performance test, sequenced outline, KSA.)

A. Types of Objectives

1. intermediate (in the training sessions)

2. terminal (on job)

B.  Form of Objectives (ideal)  "At the end of this unit, the trainee will  [ observable action (verb) (content) ]  [ measurable criteria ]  [conditions of performance ]  ( MC Consulting often omits conditions of performance in written objectives. )

EXAMPLE:    At the end of Unit Two, the trainee will be able to distinguish statements reflecting "interests" from statements reflecting "positions" with 80% accuracy during initial negotiating sessions.

B. Be specificUse behavioral/action verbs such as … (Terms such as "know", "understand", or "appreciate" are NOT behavioral, in other wor5ds there is no behavior you can observe to show that the objective has been met.)

1. instead of "understand" use "identify, reproduce or recognize" 

2. instead of "appreciate" try "have experienced"

3. "can do" ... specify the exact nature of the skill

4. "feel" (very weak) - try "Evaluate according to ..." instead

C. Be trainee-centered.

D. Omit directions/ instructions in phrasing objectives.

E. Good objectives can be measured!

F. Good objectives refer to the conditions in which behavior occurs.

In the world of training and development the acronym SMART is widely used.  Good Learner Objectives are

SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely


  See  "Writing Learning Objectives: Beginning With the End in Mind"

  Cognitive Domain - Sample Verbs for Objective Writing

last updated 9/24/2012