Organizational Communication

Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources

Methods of Training

  1. Lecture - efficient but "telling" isn't hearing/comprehending.  You may need to be "selling" instead.
    1. Very passive for trainees - you can create active portions of the lecture, however.  (Q&A, brief application requests using media - video or handouts, etc.)
    2. One sided - low feedback to trainers and trainees
    3. If you lecture,
        • use visual reinforcement (and others),
        • create a link to the trainees needs and job,
        • plan feedback

4. Lecture is best used as support or as the introduction for other methods.

B. Media - It tends to build trainer credibility, esp. videotape

      1. Has some of the disadvantages of lecture (passive, one-sided) but usually adds an extra sensory/learning style mode.

      2. Media can overwhelm the message you want to communicate.

      3. It's good for reinforcing lecture or other methods.

      4. Video recording is good for self-critique, but you must let people get used to it  (not just "one and done")

      5. Types of Media:

      Video recordings (real, simulated, fictional),

      Visuals (pictures, slides, computer graphics and charts),



      Audio, etc. 

C. Games, Simulations and Structured Experiences (see the COMM333 reserves in the Library for ideas)

  1. Good for making principles memorable and for behavior modeling and skill practice (role playing).  Excellent for "application" and the higher order cgnitive domain types of learning (analysis, synthesis, evaluation).  [ Your training program should have plenty of this!! ]
  2. It's very active (which increases learning and memory)
  3. Instructions and materials for conducting these activities need to be --
    1. clear, specific, presented in a step-by-step form, and more detailed than you probably think is needed. 
    2. Plan instructions and materials in advance (Don't wing it.) 
    3. Test instructions on others before you actually use the activity in training
  4. Always debrief these experiences.
  • discuss what was learned
  • relate it to objectives and
  • motivate trainee use of these lessons in the real workplace

D. Case Study - Good for analysis and diagnosis  (See materials for Exam 2 study guide as an example of how to do cases)

E. Summary Advice

      1. keep training specific and behavioral

      2. tell trainees the objectives

      3. motivate trainees to use training on the job

      4. make trainees active

      5. provide feedback for correction and motivation

      6.  in each unit or module, have something for each type of learner (VAK).

      7. evaluate!