Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources

Welcome to the Company!!  MC Consulting is an organization which provides advice and training for businesses which need  assistance in areas related to organizational communication.  As a new company MC Consulting has, thus far, primarily served  business through responding to communication problems referred to it by executives who seeking advice and assistance for improving their  communication environment on a case-by-case basis (i.e. managers have come to us for help on specific problems).  Recently the company president, Chet Amagan, has determined that MC Consulting should develop communication training packages that can be "sold" to various organizations.

To accomplish this goal, you, as a new employee of  THE COMPANY, have been appointed to a consulting team.  Each team will be expected to develop a communication training package suitable for marketing to other organizations.  The future profitability of MC Consulting depends on the appeal and effectiveness of the training packages developed by the teams.

The procedures to be used in developing training packages are as follows:


 1.  Teams meet, organize, and select a general area of communication in which to specialize after discussion with The Company President.  Select team liaison (who will make reports to the President on team meetings, etc.).  [Keep in mind the goal of training is not to "tell people something," it is to change behavior.]


2.  Teams develop expertise in specialty area;  build a bibliography (including material on training).  [The usual major bottle neck is team members don't do adequate research and reading on a topic.  Thus, they can't get ideas on what/how to train people since they don't know anything to teach.]  Develop training package possibilities.  See my suggestions on how to do training program content research.


3.  Determine to whom MC consulting will sell your training program (clients), who, exactly, you will be training for the client (trainees), what value to the client our program will have (why they will buy it).

4.  Teams conduct client pre-training needs analysis.  Determine general client type (e.g. public service, professional, sales, etc.).  Develop a potential client list.  Determine client needs (using the instructor and others as potential clients for interview/survey purposes).  [Steps 2 and 3 go hand-in-hand.]


5.  Develop (SPECIFIC) training objectives and a preliminary  training outline.  [If you do this well the rest of the task becomes clear and easy.  If you don't get specific here the rest of the project tends to become confusing and very frustrating.  No team ever does this well without extensive discussion with Chet or Dr. McGaan (Chet's consultant).]


6.  Develop training modules (units, sessions) and select the sample module or partial module (1 hr. of training to be presented to The Company).  Consider training technique(s).  [The COMM Departmental library may be helpful.]


7.  Complete written materials (2 copies - one print and one electronic) for your "product pitch" to the Company and its President .  [See below.]




The written material submitted at the time of your product presentation will include the following (5 separate, labeled sections):

  1. Introduction -

       An overview of the organizational communication subject matter your group has focused on and a brief overview of the training package you will produce.  [Be sure it is clear who will be our CLIENTS and who will be trained to do what].


  2. Market Potential -

       A. Indicate the type(s) of organization(s) or individuals who maybe potential clients. (Clients are those organizations or individuals who pay MC Consulting to conduct training.  "Clients" does not refer to trainees -- who are typically employees of the client.  Are there enough clients to make developing this product worthwhile?) 

      B.  Provide evidence (support material is needed here) showing that training in this area of communication is likely to improve organizational/ individual effectiveness and thus the client's bottom line.  We must be able to show we can improve their revenues or cut their expenses.  (The only way organizations can afford to pay MC Consulting to provide training is if the training has a “bottom line” value added payoff that merits the costs our clients absorb in paying MCC for the training program).

     C. Present a “selling strategy” for this product indicating how you think the company President can sell this program to potential clients.   Here you will be identifying key features of the training program that should appeal to clients (USPs) and how we will communicate that to potential clients.  (Your client needs assessment information may be helpful here.  Also, including a sample "sales brochure" with "ad" copy may be helpful.).

  3. Trainees and Objectives -

    A. Indicate specifically who your target training audience will be (trainees) and what these trainees are like.

    B. List the overall behavioral objectives of your training package. [Be specific.]


  4. Program Outline -

    Present a brief, very tentative outline/schedule of the training package you will produce.  Main points/session topics are sufficient for this presentation.


  5. Preliminary Bibliography -

    Include references on training as well as material on the subject you will develop in your training package



1.  Prepare oral presentation (15-20 minutes, TBA).  Your goal is to make a sales presentation that will convince The Company (that is, Chet) to produce and market your training package (and give you a bonus).  Naturally, you will want to cover some of the same material as the written materials but you do not need to duplicate it orally.  The MCC President is your audience. Persuading Chet is your goal Convince him your ideas are HOT; your team is competent/ brilliant; there are big bucks in this project. [ Highlight your key points but don’t READ to Chet from the report.  He’ll be insulted and bored.]


2.  Receive feedback and revise your product plan as appropriate.   Submit a revised plan to The Company for approval to proceed with product development.  Continue revisions until approval is  received from the President.




NOTE: the first sections of the final product report will be very similar to the first sections of the written materials used in the initial product presentation.  Submit TWO copies of all written materials, one hard copy and one electronic copy.


Keeping the project limited and very specific will produce the best results.  Getting organized and not leaving things until the last minute will be critical.  You will need to show initiative and seek out advice from the President on your own and regularly.  He will be happy to help you; he wants the company to succeed.  He can make your job easier and will insure that your product meets specifications -- if you give him the chance.

REMEMBER:  Your "product pitch" is NOT a description of the content of your training product.  It is a sales presentation.  The goal of this demonstration is to convince the Company President that your program has a substantial potential market (that is, it can make money for MCC) and to demonstrate that a training program like yours can achieve positive results for clients.                                                 


The boss (Chet) will expect regular written progress reports from your group (at least weekly). These team reports will be submitted electronically and each will contain the following information: Team name/number, number of the report, date of meeting/report, names of members at each meeting, items of business discussed at each meeting, work assignments of team members.


Your first product presentation may not be approved.  Don't be surprised if your efforts are rejected.  The company cannot afford second-rate products.  However, it is the final product that counts.  Careful, detailed planning and presentations are the key (not the vastness of the project). 





Effective Business Writing

Letter Writing (various types)

Report Writing


Effective Presentations

Effective Oral Reports (various aspects)

Multi-Media/Visual Aids


Group/Team Communication

Problem-Solving Methods

Group Communication Skills (specify them)

Conducting Effective Meetings



Interpersonal Communication

Effective Listening
            Team Building


Management (skills)

Conflict Management

Superior/Subordinate Communication.

Leadership Skills (specify them)


Job Search & Interviewing

              For Applicants

              For Employers

[Pick a topic from above that you already know a fair amount about OR a topic which you KNOW has a specific and narrow body of information that you can easily get a hold of and distribute to all team members.]

last updated 8/22/2016