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Chemistry and Biochemistry at MC
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The Life of a Chemistry or Biochemistry Major after Monmouth College

A degree in chemistry or biochemistry from Monmouth College opens many doors.  With a solid education in chemistry and the oral and written communication skills acquired from a liberal arts education, our graduates are prepared for a variety of fields. Possible directions include professional schools (medical school, pharmacy school, and nursing), high school teaching, graduate school and chemical industry. Here is a list of some of the paths our recent graduates have taken:

Professional Schools

Southern Illinois University Medical School

Southern Illinois University Pharmacy School

University of Illinois Veterinary School

Mercer University Pharmacy School

Chemical Industry

Quality Control Chemist: Proctor and Gamble in Waukegan, IL

Research Position: Sigma Aldrich in St. Louis, MO

Research Position in Nanocomposites: Nanocor in Arlington Heights, IL

High School Teaching

Crystal Lake South High School

Graduate School

University of Iowa

Rush Medical School

University of Illinois

Purdue University

Indiana University

University of Nebraska

Northwestern University

University of North Carolina

Loyola University

DePaul University

Northeastern University

Kent State University


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