Monmouth College Department of English

The Monmouth College Department of English

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Creative Writing

Courses in Creative Writing:

ENGL 210G. Creative Writing.
Practice in the writing and critical analysis of imaginative literary forms, especially poetry and fiction. Prerequisite: ENGL 110. (Three credits.)

ENGL 301. Advanced Composition.
A study of writing strategies and their application to assignments in journalism, scientific writing, and essay writing with an emphasis on creative non-fiction. Open to juniors and seniors or by consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ENGL 110. (Three credits.)

ENGL 310. Advanced Creative Writing.
Students write intensively in fiction or poetry, individually selecting their subject matter throughout the course. Students sharpen their critical skills by evaluating one another’s work and by investigating contemporary writing and publishing. Prerequisite: ENGL 210 or consent of the instructor. (Three credits.)

The Mellinger Center

What's New




The Department of English is pleased to welcome Professor Kasia Bartoszynska, who is teaching 19th century literature and British Literature II!




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