Monmouth College Department of English

The Monmouth College Department of English

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Departmental News


Over Homecoming Weekend, the Department of English sponsors a English alumni reception before the football game.  Recent and not-so-recent alums chat with faculty and discussed their current and future plans.  We look forward to this annual event.


Summer Internships

  • Are you a junior during the 2012-2013 academic year? The Newberry Library offers competitive, paid summer internships. For more information, see their information on their webpage regarding Newberry Library Undergraduate Internships. Last year's interns worked with the Midwest Modern Manuscripts, Rare Books, and Special Collections.

  • State of Illinois Internship Opportunities in Springfield

    Curry Internship – Offered by the Governor’s Office: Summer Internships with the State of Illinois for college juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

    Dunn Fellowship – Offered by the Governor’s Office: One year fellowships with the State of Illinois for college graduates.

    Pollution Prevention Internship – Summer internship with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

    Governor’s Environmental Corp – Summer internship with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Internships with the Chicago Shakespeare Theater in Marketing and the Production Office (and more):

Internship opportunities at Chicago Shakespeare Theater are designed to provide an enriching, career-broadening experience for qualified college and graduate students. The level of responsibility and the ongoing workload of an ever-growing artistic institution require that interns be highly motivated, energetic and self-reliant. No housing is provided and internships are unpaid.


Undergraduate Conferences


Do you have a recent essay of which you are particularly proud? The 17th Annual Clement S. Stacy Undergraduate Research Conference, sponsored by Purdue University--Calumet, takes place in April (with abstracts due in January). Funding from the college may be available; contact Professor Belschner for additional information.

Every Fall (usually in September), Illinois Wesleyan University also sponsors the annual MUSE Undergraduate Literature Conference.


English Majors Study Abroad



The Mellinger Center

What's New




The Department of English is pleased to welcome Professor Kasia Bartoszynska, who is teaching 19th century literature and British Literature II!





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