CLAS224 Word Elements
Department of Classics
Monmouth College

Spring Semester, 2006

Note: One advantage of a web-based schedule is that it can be adjusted frequently according to class progress. Students are advised to consult this page regularly for changes.

Part I: An Introduction to Words
Jan. 18 Words on words
Jan. 23 Dictionaries and Etymology: Read Ayers 16-25 and Etymology.
Comparison of Entries Worksheet;  PLEASE BRING YOUR DICTIONARY TO CLASS.
Jan. 25 The Oxford English Dictionary and Electronic Dictionaries
Electronic Dictionary Entry Analysis (due Feb. 1st). Using Electronic Dictionaries; Oxford English Dictionary; Instructions for Using Electronic Dictionaries; Words of the 20th Century; New Words for 2006 /
Jan. 27 Indo-European: Read Ayers 1-14, and American Heritage Dictionary (AHD), pp. 1598-1603  Important Terms in Ayers
Jan. 30  History of English: Bayeux Tapestry /
Feb. 1  Presentation on Dictionaries for Dictionary Surveys (due Feb. 10th) IN HEWES LIBRARY. See A Sampling of Dictionaries / Some Recent Dictionary Acquisitions.
Electronic Dictionary Entry Analysis Due.
Feb. 3 History of English Cont.: Chaucer's Canterbury Tales / Oxford English Dictionary /  Words of the 20th Century / British vs. American English / Australian English / Lexicolumn

Part II: Word Elements from Latin

Feb. 6 Ayers 26-34 (definitions, bases) Word Elements and Their Uses / Rules for Definition / BASES / prefixes- / -suffixes
Feb. 8 Ayers 35-40 (prefixes-, assimilation)  Latin Prepositions / Latin Prefix Chart / Assimilation of Prefixes
Feb. 10 Ayers 40-46 (abbreviations, acronyms) Abbreviations / Acronymns / Acronymns on Libraryspot.comInternet Emoticons, Smileys and Abbreviations Dictionary Surveys due.
Feb. 13 Ayers 46-51 (back formations, aphresesis, aphesis).
Feb. 15 Ayers 52-56  (combining bases, Roman numerals) Also Ayers 136-142; 196-197: Latin Loan Words in English / Latin Loan Words in Ayers and phrases. A few of these phrases will be discussed in every class through March 17. They will be part of the first unit exam. Passion in Parentheses
Feb. 17 Ayers 57-60 (hybrids) and Ayers 60-65 (-suffixes)  Three Morphologically Identical Bases: PAR-
Feb. 20 Ayers 65-70 (word analysis) and Ayers 70-75 (dissimilation) Animalia Romana
Feb. 22 Ayers 75-82 (semantic change); Ayers 82-86 (Specialization and Generalization)
Feb. 24 Ayers 86-89 (functional change); Ayers 90-94 (degeneration/elevation) Degeneration of Meaning / Degeneration and Ethnic Stereotypes. Prospectus for Etymology Project  Due.
Feb. 27 Ayers 94-98 (abstract/concrete); Ayers 98-101 (weakening, hyperbole, independent twinsIndependent Twins: Definition / Independent Twins: List
Mar. 1 Ayers 101-106 (changing concepts, diminutives) The Four Humors; Ayers 106-112 (euphemisms, circumlocutions, jargon) Technospeak / Some Nursery Rhymes in Disguise / How College Professors Speak / Christmas Carols the Hard Way
Mar.3 Ayers 112-116 (folk etymology) and Ayers 116-119 (Clipped Words
Mid-Course Evaluation Due

Mar. 6, 8, 10 SPRING BREAK
Mar. 13 Ayers 120-124 (Blends) and Ayers 124-128 (doublets);  Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky"
Mar. 15 Ayers 128-132 (latinisms) and Ayers 132-136 metathesis)
Fox Classics Lecture 7:30 P.M. in Highlander Room (Attendance Required)
Mar. 17 How to do an electronic word search. Class meets in the Trotter Lab. Note: Electronic Word Search Assignment is due on March 30th.
Mar. 20 Unit Exam postponed until Mach 31st. This class will be devoted to Word Analysis.

Part III Word Elements from Greek

Note: Some italicized words and phrases on pp. 160-178 and 250-256 will be covered in class daily.
Mar. 22 Ayers 158-160; 180-181; 255-256 (Introduction to Greek; Greek loan words)
Electronic Word Search Assignment due.
Mar. 24  Ayers 178-183 (bases); Quiz on Greek alphabet and Greek loan words
Mar. 27 Ayers 183-187; 196-198 (combining bases, prefixes, loan words).
Mar. 29 Ayers 160-163; 187-191 (eye rhymes and homonyms, heteronyms and homophones); French and Spanish loan words 
Mar. 31 1st UNIT EXAM See Sample Latin Unit Exam.
Apr. 3 Ayers 164-169; 192-196 (reduplication, onomatopoeia German loan words
Apr. 5 Ayers 170-176; 196-201; 201-204. Italian loan words. Quiz on Lessons I and V-VI.
Apr. 7 No Class. Word Analysis Take Home Assignment:
Analyze all of the italicized words on pp. 203-204. Due on Monday, April 10th in my office (Wallace 101) or via e-mail.
Apr. 10 Work on Etymology Project.
Apr. 12 Ayers 176-177; 204-211 (word analysis, tautology) English Loan Words in Other Languages / Borrowed Words . Progress Report on Etymology Project Due. Quiz on  Lessons II, VII and VIII.
Apr. 14 No class.
Apr. 17 No class.
Apr. 19
 Ayers 250-251; 211-215 Eponymy / Eponymy ID / Brand Names vs. Generic Names / On Stealing Intellectual Property and Ayers   211-215 (expressions)  Surnames / English Personal Names from Greek / English Personal Names from Latin  / Ayers pp. 176-177 Quiz on Lessons IX and X plus word analysis.
Apr. 21
 Ayers 251-252; 216-220 (words from religion)
Apr. 24 Ayers 220-226 (words from religion cont.)  An Anthology of -ologies, Some Words Derived from Literature
Apr. 26 Ayers  252-253; 227-231 (sea terms) and Ayers 231-236 Sports Terms / Horse-Inspired Vocabulary / Phobias
Apr. 28 Ayers 236-240 (military terms) and Ayers 240-244 (the arts)
May 1 Ayers 245-248 (law); Ayers 248-256 (literary terms).  Etymology Project Due.
May 3
May 5 2nd UNIT EXAM See Sample Greek Exam and Greek Monster Match List
May 10 Class Meeting 6 P.M. Poster Presentations and Course Evaluations.

This  material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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