The Department of Environmental Science at Monmouth College
  Monmouth College  •  Haldeman-Thiessen Science Center  •  309-457-2394    
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Environmental Science Graduates

Graduates of the Environmental Science program from the past five years are all employed in the environmental field. Some of them are profiled below. Approximately 30% of our graduates have pursued advanced degrees in a sub-discipline of environmental science. In the last 4 years, that number has increased to 40%. 

Dani Nierenberg -- WorldWatch Institute, staff writer
Elaine Durr -- M.S.; certified LEEDS green building consultant
Amy Workman -- M.S.; Asst. Director of Environmental Education, Wisconsin Dells
Jason Johnson -- Ecological Restoration
Stephanie Brown -- Environmental Consulting, architectural firm
Michael Forkan -- Law school
Ann Maksymowicz -- M.S. Women's Studies, social work
Sandra Nickel -- Water Quality, Lake Monitoring, Illinois EPA
Valeria Orozco -- M.S. in progress, Landscape Ecology, Duke University
Bill Van Leeuwen -- Chemical Waste Disposal
Dean Caras -- Federal government, policy analyst
Mark Hertko -- M.S., Enviro. policy research for National Academy of Public Administration
Andrea Bostwick -- M.S., Environmental Compliance, Engineering
Kenzi Yochem -- Laboratory technician, PDC labs
James Doonan -- Microbiologist, Nestle/Purina Pet Care


  Copyright 2003-2008 Monmouth College Department of Environmental Science