The Department of Environmental Science at Monmouth College
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Off-Campus Programs

"That is at bottom the only courage required of us:  to have courage for the most strange, the most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter." -- Rainer Marie Rilke

Image of Mississippi RiverThe international programs most frequently selected by Environmental Science majors are sponsored by the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM).  The cost of these competitive programs is the same as attending a semester on the Monmouth campus.

ACM Tanzania -- Human Evolution and Ecology.  This fall semester program begins with two months at the University of Dar es Salaam.  Students are immersed in language study (Swahili) and courses in ecology and human evolution.  Students choose a research topic in one of these two areas and travel to the Serengeti (or Olduvai Gorge/Laetoli human fossil sites) for their field work. 

ACM Costa Rica -- Tropical Field Research program.  This spring semester program begins with a month-long orientation that prepares students through intensive language training and review of field methodology. Thereafter, students conduct field research in a diversity of Costa Rica's ecological zones.


  Copyright 2003-2008 Monmouth College Department of Environmental Science