The Department of Environmental Science at Monmouth College
  Monmouth College  •  Haldeman-Thiessen Science Center  •  309-457-2394    
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"Real knowledge has to be earned by hard and painful thinking . . . Real knowledge is gained only by ceaseless questioning of yourself and others . . ." -- John Taylor Gatto

Environmental Science Major
The curriculum for the environmental science major has recently been dramatically improved in order to accommodate the diverse interests of environmental science majors and allow more flexibility in choosing electives. Students choose from one of two tracks, science or policy, depending on their interest and career aspirations. The two tracks share joint requirements listed below, and additional requirements for each concentration.

Requirements for Both Concentrations 

BIOL 150 Investigating Biological Concepts (Four credits.) 

BIOL 155 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity (Four credits.)

BIOL 307 Ecology (Four credits.) 

CHEM 130 Organic Chemistry I (Four credits) 

CHEM 140 General Chemistry (Four credits.) 

ENVI 103 Introduction to Environmental Science  
(Three credits.) 

ECON 200 Principles of Economics (Four credits.)

POLS 101 or POLS 103 or POLS 200 (Three credits.)
Choose one of these three introductory courses.  

SOCI 343 Sociology of Development (Three credits.) 

Senior Research
From an approved department of choice (Three to four credits.) 

Additional Science Concentration Requirements

BIOL 350 or CHEM 350 or PHYS 350 Science Seminar  
(to be taken twice for a total of two credits) 

CHEM 220/225 Analytical Chemistry w/lab (Four credits) 

ENVI 218 Applied Hydrogeology (Four credits) 

MATH 151 Calculus I (Four credits) 

MATH 207 Statistics for the Sciences (Three credits)

BIOL 222 and 322 Introduction to Research I and II

PHYS 130 Introduction to Physics I (4 credits)
(recommended before ENVI 218)

Additional Policy Concentration Requirements

ECON 380 Environmental Economics (Three credits) 

POLS 375 Environmental Politics (Three credits) 

CATA 335 Argumentation (Three credits) 

MATH 106 Elementary Statistics (Four credits)

Students with an interest in policy/advocacy are encouraged to consider the following electives. 

  • ECON 310 Regulation and Legislation

  • ECON 340 Economics and Law 

  • ECON 370 Public Finance 

  • POLS 311 Parties and Elections 

  • RELG 206 Religious Perspectives on Moral Issues 

  • CATA 233 Advanced Public Speaking
    CATA 339 Persuasion  

  • CATA 235 Small Group Communication 

  • SOCI 102 Social Problems  

  • SOCI 345 Social Inequality 

  • PHIL 310 Environmental Ethics 

Students with an interest in science are encouraged to consider the following electives.

  • BIOL 201 Field Botany

  • BIOL 315 Field Zoolog

  • CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry II 

  • MATH 152 Calculus II  

  • PHYS 130 Introductory Physics I 

  • PHYS 132 Introductory Physics II

  • BIOL 222 and 322 Introduction to Research I and II 

ENVI 103. Introduction to Environmental Science
The course is an introduction to the scope, magnitude, and diversity of environmental issues approached by scientists and policy-makers. An interdisciplinary approach to solving environmental problems is emphasized by providing a scientific, social, and political understanding of the issues. Laboratory sessions include field trips to study human impacts on our environment and group projects and discussion aimed at critical analysis of current environmental topics. (Three credits) 

ENVI 218. Applied Hydrogeology
An applied approach to the analysis of the hydrologic cycle with an emphasis on the physical properties, transport, use and contamination of surface water and groundwater. Includes laboratory and field experiences. Prerequisite: MATH 141, or consent of instructor. (Four credits.)

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  Copyright 2003-2008 Monmouth College Department of Environmental Science