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Monmouth College
Communication Studies

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  Communication Across the Curriculum  


Learning Objectives for CATA majors entering Monmouth College in Fall 2004 and after.

Printable MS Word version    9/1/05

I.  MESSAGES - All CATA Majors must demonstrate their ability to construct effective messages in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least five artifacts (messages).
    1. At least one of the messages should be in the form of a research paper that involved library research or other significant information acquisition.
    2. At least one of the messages should be in a mediated form (involving the use of some technology beyond writing or speaking, e.g. web page, PowerPoint, video, etc.).
    3. At least one of the messages should be reflective of oral communication.
    4. At least two of the messages should be ones reflective of the kinds of messages the student expects to create in his/her life after college (ideally “best work”)
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses each included artifact, describing how these works represent good quality messages. For each message the reflection should include:
    1. Identification of the thesis or central concept of the message and the purpose of the message.
    2. Identification of the intended audience of the message and how audience influenced message design
    3. Explanation of how the message represents good quality in terms of such features as:
      § use of appropriate organizational schemes,
      § effective acquisition and use of supporting material,
      § good reasoning
      § use of professional forms, language and standards
      § adaptation of the message to the medium and audience

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.

II.  Knowledge - CATA Majors must demonstrate general knowledge of the field and specific knowledge in their concentration.

A. All CATA Majors should demonstrate their general knowledge of the field in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts that demonstrate they have knowledge of the following topics and issues.
    1. The history and development of communication/media or theatre
    2. How theory and research aids the practice of communication or theatre
    3. How ethical considerations can influence communication or theatre
    4. How individual interpretation influences our responses to messages and communication events.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s knowledge of the topics and issues listed above.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.
B. Communication and Media Concentration majors should demonstrate additional specific knowledge in their concentration in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts that demonstrate they have knowledge of the following topics and issues.
    1. How personal and/or working relationships develop over time through communication.
    2. How communication influences beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, policies, and communication/cultural practices.
    3. How media influences message construction and effects.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s knowledge of the topics and issues listed above

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.
C. Theatre Concentration majors should demonstrate this additional specific knowledge in their concentration in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts that demonstrate they have knowledge of the following topics and issues.
    1. The development of dramatic art including knowledge of historical and contemporary dramatic literature.
    2. The development of historical and contemporary production practice.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s knowledge of the topics and issues listed above.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.

III.  ApplicationCATA Majors must demonstrate their ability to apply their skills and knowledge of the field to reach goals and solve problems in practical settings and professional contexts.

A. All CATA Majors should demonstrate these applications of their knowledge and skill in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts that demonstrate they can apply communication knowledge to the following settings and problems.
    1. At least one artifact must demonstrate the student is able to understand how a text or communication event influences civic culture
    2. At least one artifact must demonstrate the student is able to analyze and critically evaluate a text or communicative situation or event using appropriate, specific, professional methods and techniques. (The text, situation or event selected should be relevant to the student’s post-graduate plans.)
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s use of professional communication knowledge and critical skills.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.
B. Communication and Media Concentration majors should demonstrate these additional specific applications of their knowledge and skill in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least three artifacts that demonstrate they can apply communication knowledge to the following.
    1. Evaluating the quality and professionalism of mediated messages.
    2. How communication principles can be applied in group or interpersonal settings
    3. How communication principles can be applied to practical issues such as conflict management, problem-solving, construction of persuasive programs, cases or messages.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s ability to apply knowledge in a professional way.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!
C. Theatre Concentration majors should demonstrate this additional specific applications of their knowledge and skill in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts demonstrating their abilities to apply theatrical knowledge with artifacts that
    1. Describe the effects on an audience of a theatrical production resulting from artistic choices of author, director, designers and actors.
    2. Describe specific choices made for performance as an actor, designer, or director.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s ability to apply knowledge in a professional way.

    Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!

IV.  SKILLS: CATA Majors must demonstrate their ability to perform as skillful communicators.

A. All CATA Majors should demonstrate skills for this objective in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least three artifacts that demonstrate they are competent oral and written communicators in professional contexts.
    1. At least two artifacts must reflect student competence in differing forms of oral communication.
    2. At least one artifact must demonstrate competence in written communication.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflects competent and skillful communication performance.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!.

B. Communication and Media Concentration majors should demonstrate these additional communication skills in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least three artifacts that demonstrating additional communication skills.
    1. At least one artifact must reference skillful student communication in interpersonal and group/team contexts.
    2. At least one artifact must reference student skills in listening, outlining, using graphic and verbal support material or conducting library research.
    3. At least one artifact must demonstrate competence in dealing with conflict, problem solving, relationship management, work groups or persuasion.
    4. At least one artifact must demonstrate skillful, professional level creation of a message suitable for a medium other than "face-to-face."
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect or demonstrate the student’s communication skills.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!

C. Theatre Concentration majors
should demonstrate these additional artistic skills in their portfolios as follows:

  1. For this section of the portfolio students should include at least two artifacts demonstrating skills in the dramatic arts
    1. At least one artifact must reference skillful student performance in an acting role or development of an interpretation of a scene or play
    2. At least one artifact must reference skillful student performance of one or more of the following theatrical functions: designer (scenic, lighting, costume), director, crew manager, theatre manager.
  2. Students should write a reflection statement that discusses how the included artifacts reflect the student’s skillful performance in the above listed contexts.

Artifacts used in this section of the portfolio may be used in other sections as well!

Printable MS Word version    9/1/05

Monmouth College Department of Communication Studies
700 East Broadway, Monmouth Illinois 61462 :: Copyright © 2005, 2013, 201