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Monmouth College
Communication Studies

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  Communication Across the Curriculum  


Program Description

Communication (and Media) Major Goals

  • Students will prepare for careers (or graduate school) in public communication, business or media-related fields
  • Media students will acquire solid background in communication
  • Communication students will use technical skills involved with the media field
  • By graduation student majors will be able to design effective messages for a variety of purposes, have developed substantial knowledge of the communication discipline, be able to apply their knowledge in a wide range of practical applications and have become skillful communicators in oral, written and mediated forms.

Progressive Development

  • Lower level courses focus on development of communication skills.
  • Middle level courses encourage the application of theory and research to practical and professional experiences, as well as introduce students to the technical aspects of communication.
  • Upper level students put it all together by studying Freedom of Expression and Communication Ethics, completing internships or independent studies and developing a portfolio showcasing their skills and accomplishments.

Hands-on Experience

  • Both internship and advanced independent seminars are highly encouraged
  • Majors and non-majors can utilize the campus radio station (WMCR), the college newspaper (The Courier) and the campus television station (MCTV)
  • Substantial in-class writing, discussion, presentations and projects occurs at all levels of course work.
  • Professional experience may be gained in several areas:
    • radio
    • television
    • journalism
    • public relations
    • business communication


Our all-digital state of the art cable television studio is a versatile facility with stage, lighting and equipment for producing newscasts and variety shows. The programming is broadcast through a campus-wide cable television station which is supervised by the CATA department.  Video and audio production as well as graphics and web design are supported by a departmental computer lab with a full range of digital editing and standard office software.

Our radio station is a fully operational, student-operated campus station. WMCR is broadcast through the campus cable system in FM stereo. It can be listened to through a television receiver or a hi fi stereo system. Because it is on-campus only, it is not regulated /controlled by the FCC, which permits greater flexibility in the training and programming provided - a big advantage over educational FM licensed stations. The station has two professionally equipped audio broadcast studios, one "on-air" and one for production and laboratory work. The studio equipment used is very similar to that of a commercial studio. WMCR has a large music library of classic rock and a CD collection of recent rock, rap, reggae and other music - all available for use at the station or to be checked out.

Off-campus Programs
Many COMM majors have profited from the ACM Chicago Studies programs - Urban Studies, Arts and Business. The internship opportunities in Chicago are excellent, giving students the chance to work in major corporate, government, arts or media settings.   Study in Perth, Scotland has become increasingly popular with Communication students, especially those interested in media, graphic arts, or international careers.

Local radio and TV stations routinely accept Monmouth student interns as do local government and development agencies, service providers and for-profit businesses.

Independent Study
Students regularly do independent study projects in areas such as Communication Criticism, TV or film production, web development and design, special topics of individual student interest or by doing research aimed at preparation for graduate school.

Graduate School Opportunities
In the last few years, a substantial number of our graduates have pursued post-graduate training primarily in speech communication and law at schools such as: University of Illinois, University of Michigan, Illinois State University, DePaul, St. Louis University, Northern Illinois, Western Illinois and the University of Iowa.  Areas of specialty in graduate school include communication theory, interpersonal communication, organizational communication, media studies and communication education.

Students who choose to pursue post-graduate study in the communication fields can usually attend tuition free.  This is possible because, at research universities, large numbers of undergraduates need to take introductory communication courses such as public speaking or interpersonal communication.  These courses are taught by graduate student teaching assistants (unlike Monmouth where full-time faculty do the teaching) who typically receive free tuition plus a living allowance.  In many communication graduate programs, all admitted students receive free tuition.

Communication Major/ Minor Requirements

Career Paths

There are many different things you can do with a Communication major in COMM.  Recent graduates are employed in such areas as: international banking, insurance, radio and television announcing/ reporting, music promotions, music industry news, newspaper editing, retailing, corporate sales and financial services, the ministry and law.

Monmouth College Department of Communication Studies
700 East Broadway, Monmouth Illinois 61462 :: Copyright © 2005, 2013, 201