Organizational Communication

Course Description Lecture Syllabus Lab Syllabus Assign. Due Dates
Course Assignments Lecture Notes Lab Notes Training Resources

The Learning Experience Involves Three Processes


1.    Acquisition of new information

2.    Transformation – making information fit tasks

3.    Evaluation – checking the fit of the new to the application


·        Adapt Methods to Learning Styles (see Big Dog’s Learning Styles page)

·        Select Appropriate Training “Media”  (see Big Dog’s Media page)

Steps Creating Training Units/Modules

  1. Begin the program with features that orient the trainees to the program

    -- Trainer introductions

    -- Ice Breakers

    -- Overview of goals and content

    -- Values of the training to the trainee

  2. Determine the best order of key learning materials (knowledge and skills)

    -- what materials will help trainees initially see "the point"

    -- what must be learned first in order to move to the next concept or skill

    -- use the Bloom's Cognitive Domain as a basis for ordering skills and knowledge (memory, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation)

  3. Be sure you have a clear understanding of the content of each unit

  4. Establish very specific learning objectives for each unit (3 -6 usually).

  5. Plan methods that will allow you to reach those objectives

    -- use Don Clark's "Learning Strategies" to evaluation training methods and his "Training Media Dictionary"

    -- Be sure trainees know the objectives of EACH unit

    -- Be sure trainees are active a significant part of each unit

  6. Allow trainees plenty of opportunities to practice skills and to see how they are applied in "real life."

Factors Required for Successful Learning


1.    Knowledge – by trainer and trainee

2.    Environment – the tools (materials, instructions, media, etc.)

3.    Involvement Skills – know your trainees (see learning styles page)


   Sample Training Module

last updated 10/23/2007