Classical Mythology
Department of Classics
Monmouth College

SCHEDULE OF Topics and Activities
Spring Semester 2014

Goddesses and Heroines

Nota Bene:
This schedule is a work in progress and will be tweaked and modified as necessary.
Please be sure to check regularly for updates.
1 March 18 Course Introductions
What is Myth?: "On Myths and Sisyphean Tasks"
Some resources on chronology:
Chronology / Timeline of Roman History

A Survey of Greek Goddesses
Greek Pantheon  / The Pantheon  / The Major Gods / The Olympian Gods: Images and Texts / Olympian Gods in
About Pandora
Pandora: Hesiod, Works and Days 53-105
  March 20  Powers of Primaeval Goddesses
Genealogy of the Gods
Read Hesiod's Theogony:
Uranus and Gaia, Chronos and Rhea, Hecate
Structure of Hesiod's Theogony
Hesiod's Theogony Study Questions
The Mother Goddess and Matriarchy
: Venus of Willendorf Website
2 March 25  Theories of Myth
Lefkowitz introduction, chapter 2 and answer
Study Questions

Theories of Myth and "The Web of Myth"
  March 27 A Survey of Greek Heroines
Hesiod's Catalogue of Women
The Hero Packet
The Hero Pattern applied to Women in Myth, History and Literature / Marie de Medici
Heroine Pattern Assignment  (Due April 8)

3 April 1 Misogyny?
Read the story of Pandora in
Hesiod's Theogony (lines 507-616
Semonides on Women

Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite / Sappho Fragment 16 (alternative translations: Sappho's Poems)
Outline of Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite / Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite / Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite Study Questions (due today)

  April 3 The Metaphor of the Vessel
In-Class Film: Pandora's Box with study questions
Hand in your detailed responses to the study questions at the end of class.

Read Lefkowitz, chapter 13 and answer Study Questions (due via email by April 4)
4 April 8 Misogyny Cont.
Heroine Pattern Assignment  Due
Oresteia Powerpoint / House of Atreus
Note: For the following, look at least at the summaries and study guide. The translations are provided for those of you who want to read deeper.
Aeschylus' Oresteia / Oresteia (Study Guides)
Aeschylus' Agamemnon (translation) /
Aeschylus' Agamemnon (analysis)
Aeschylus' Choephoroi (Libation Bearers): Summary / Translation

Aeschylus' Eumenides:  Summary / Translation / Analysis

Amazons Powerpoint
Herodotus on Amazons (IV.110-117)
Read Lefkowitz 1 and
Study Questions

  April 10 Amazons Cont.
Euripides' Hippolytus (translation)
Euripides' Hippolytus
(Study Guide) / Euripides' Hippolytus  (Analysis) / Themes of Hippolytus / Cretan-Athenian Genealogy

5 April 15 (Class cancelled)
  April 17 Heroic Women of Greek Epic
Read Lefkowitz 3 and Study Questions

Analysis / Characters / Study Questions /
More Study Questions /  
Struck's Odyssey Page / Homer and Epic / Art of the Odyssey / Genealogy of Odysseus
Odysseus' Other Women (Powerpoint)
6 April 22 Chosen and Influential Women
Penelope (Powerpoint)
Read Lefkowitz 4 / Study Questions
Theban Cycle (Genealogy)
and Agave in Euripides' Bacchae /
Euripides' Bacchae (analysis)
Read Lefkowitz Chapter 11 and Study Questions
Antigone in Sophocles' Antigone
Sophocles' Antigone
Hegel on Antigone
  April 24 Seduction and Rape
Lefkowitz 5 /  Study Questions
Polymele / Tyro / Creusa (in Euripides' Ion / plot summary)
Europa (Powerpoint) / Europa and the Bull (art survey)
Europa / Europa Legend /
Europa the Phoenician Princess /
Europa and the Bull / Europa Mosaic /
Moschus' "Europa"

Io (Apollodorus)
7 April 29
Founders Day (no classes)

  May 1 Women Without Men
Read Lefkowitz Chapter 9 and Study Questions
Demeter and Persephone
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter (Study Questions)
Outline of Homeric Hymn to Demeter
Rape of Persephone (Powerpoint)
Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries
Eleusinian Mysteries Schedule


May 6 Wives
Lefkowitz Chapter 10 and Study Questions
Euripides' Alcestis / Alcestis Structure / Alcestis Themes
  May 8
Reading Day


Tuesday, May 13 at 11:30 AM
Final Exam Question. You have two options regarding this exam. 1.) You can answer the essay question as a take-home exam and bring a printed copy of your answer to me at 11:30 AM. In this case you can use your study questions, book, readings and class notes to help you compose your answer.
or 2.) You can answer the question during the final exam period (11:30-2:30). In this case you can bring no materials to class and must respond to the question with no aids.

This material has been published on the web by Prof. Tom Sienkewicz for his students at Monmouth College. If you have any questions, you can contact him at

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