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Monmouth College
Communication Studies

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  Communication Across the Curriculum  


Communication Studies

Registration Information for 2016-2017

COMM has added a new and timely course for next year to add variety to our offerings.  Please take a look at COMM 296-1 Special Topics:  Political Communication.  This course will be taught in the fall by our new colleague Hayley Hawthorne, (Kate Zittlow Rogness's replacement) who we like a lot.  The course is timely as the fall presidential election is taking place is when the class occurs.

COMM 115 and COMM 116 DO NOT count toward the limits on how many courses you are allowed to take.  You do not have  to petition to take these courses as an overload or even get your adviser's approval.  If you have problems with registering "over-the-limnit with these classes contact Trudi Peterson or the Registrar.

Requirements for the COMM major and the COMM, Media and Journalism Minors are found on the COMM website linked here and on the COMM homepage.  Requirements for the PUBR major are also on the web site and are linked here.

A check sheet for COMM Majors to track their requirements and general education courses is found on the "Current Students" page.  A similar check sheet for Public Relations majors is also found on the "Current Students" page.

Applications for COMM Independent Studies and Internships and for PUBR Internships for Summer or Fall 2016 are due April 25 by email to Lee McGaan (COMM or PUBR).  All necessary information and forms for internships and independent studies may be found through links on the Internship web page or the Independent Study web page

If you plan on completing a COMM or PUBR internship in the next year, please put your name on the appropriate course wait-list and, when your application is approved, you will receive notice that you may move from the waitlist into registered status.

Students interested in becoming a Speech Assistant in the future should plan to take COMM 113-3 - Communication Workshop, during Spring 2017.  Talk to Lori Walters-Kramer for more information.

Please note below several issues of importance for registering COMM majors or other students interested in COMM classes. 

  • If a COMM or PUBR course that you need is closed, PLEASE be sure to get on the wait list.  We have a good record of getting wait-listed students into classes they need by the time they need them (but not if they aren't on the list). Several courses have enrollment limits set low to allow us to save seats for our majors.  Other departments or gen. ed. programs (even courses taught by COMM faculty) may or may not make use of wait-lists.

  • If you consider yourself a Communication major or minor, a PUBR major or a Journalism minor. BE SURE to submit the required declaration of major/minor form to the Registrar's Office so you will be listed.  This insures you will get priority treatment in being added to filled classes and get appropriate messages and information of value to you and your career.


1.  COMM Seniors: If you intend to graduate in December 2016 or May 2017 be sure you enroll in COMM 421 (fall) and COMM 491 (spring).  If you will graduate later than Summer 2017 DO NOT enroll in these courses.

   COMM Juniors: If you intend to graduate in December 2017 or May 2018 be sure you enroll in COMM 321 (fall)


2.  COMM/PUBR Double majors may take either COMM 491 or PUBR 491 as their senior seminar capstone course.  Also, COMM/PUBR double majors may complete the internship requirement for both majors with a single internship under either COMM or PUBR.  If you have questions on advising for COMM majors, please call Prof. Lee McGaan at school (457-2155) or at home (734-5431).


3 It is important for rising Sophomore COMM majors (that is current Freshmen) to register for COMM 230: Introduction to Communication Studies and COMM 261 - Mass Media and Society -- either semester next year.  Both courses are required of all COMM majors.  


4.  PUBR majors should register for PUBR 241 - Public Relations, BEFORE taking PUBR 363 - Media and PR Writing (or at the same time).


5.  Please be aware that  PUBR 367 - Layout and Design is offered in the SPRING ONLY.  PUBR 367 is required for the PUBR major


6. COMM Workshop Courses.  Several workshops (including all 200-level workshops) require instructor permission for registration.  Contact Trudi Peterson for permission to add COMM 113/213


Students interested in receiving credit for participation in WMCR radio should enroll in COMM 115, Radio and students interested in receiving credit for participation in our campus cable TV programming on MC-TV should enroll in COMM 116, Television. Students enrolled in COMM 116 will participate in the production of the MC-TV cable news program.  Students interested in working with more depth for the news program either as a news/sports reporter or production assistant/videographer should apply for a position (some are paid) and if you wish course credit sign up for COMM 216 (permission and previous credit in COMM 116 required).  Contact Chris Goble for permission to add COMM 215/216.


All COMM workshop courses may be repeated for credit up to the limit listed in the catalog.



If you have questions, don't hesitate to call or email:

Trudi Peterson, Professor and Chair
Department of Communication Studies
Monmouth College
office ph. 309-457-2109


Monmouth College Department of Communication Studies
700 East Broadway, Monmouth Illinois 61462 :: Copyright © 2005, 2013, 201